
We can never separate from ourselves. We try to distract ourselves when more difficult feelings show up and we can’t do it. Try as we may, it is not possible to indefinitely avoid what is bubbling up inside. Maybe it is time to give up and start listening to what is trying to unfold. This dark road takes some courage but you don’t have to walk all of it alone. Useful pointers are available from wise people who have known this dark path. Medication can be a useful tool.


Anxiety is information that is not being listened to. This is counterintuitive as most anxious thoughts are not logical nor helpful. But there is something under the anxious thoughts that need sincere acknowledgment and respect. Soothing anxiety is temporary. Opening to the experience of anxiety, sincere curiosity about what stories are weaving together to create angst, is the path toward solid ground.


Trauma confuses the mind. Even trauma that is not personal confuses the mind. Cruelty from loved ones does more than confuse the mind. It is difficult to put into words what cruelty (i.e.neglect, lying, berating, bullying, scaring) does when it comes from a person whom you love. It confuses the mind but it also confuses the body. Being confused in the mind is awful. Being confused in the mind and body is a seemingly unending maze of distorted thoughts and feelings. It is literal hell. It is possible to move through trauma and become whole. Trauma can be moved through more efficiently if you are genuinely in a safe environment. Good pointers help immensely.


Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is relatively rare. A good solid diagnosis is critical. Medication can help slow the violent shift of mood and the violent crashing down in complete misery. Medication can address sleep. Bipolar disorder moves and changes for many and medication needs fluctuate.

Couples Therapy

This is where, ideally, everyone comes out of hiding and tells truth about what they are experiencing. This is where all those unenlightened parts move out into the light of day in front of the person you want most to see you as lovable. It means placing yourself in a most vulnerable position. Love requires this. It requires that your partner see’s you, the real you. We all know this deep inside. If the real you is not what is being presented, what is there to love? There is no other well worn path to love.



Schedule Your Appointment!

Rebecca primarily works remotely but does come in to the physical office one to two days each week.

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